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Fissure , Fistula Surgery

Fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus, causing pain, bleeding, and discomfort during bowel movements. Fistulas, on the other hand, are abnormal tunnels or channels that form between the rectum and the skin around the anus.

Fissure and fistula are two distinct but related conditions affecting the anal region. Surgical intervention may be necessary to address these conditions effectively. Here’s an overview of fissure and fistula surgery:

Fissure Surgery:

  • Fistulectomy: A fistulectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing or repairing an anal fissure, which is a small tear or cut in the lining of the anus. During this surgery, the surgeon removes the damaged tissue, allowing for proper healing. This procedure is typically done under local or general anesthesia.
  • Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS): In cases where a high resting anal sphincter pressure is contributing to the fissure, a lateral internal sphincterotomy may be performed. This surgical procedure involves cutting a portion of the anal sphincter muscle to reduce pressure and promote healing of the fissure. LIS can be effective in preventing fissure recurrence but may have associated risks, including incontinence.

Fistula Surgery:

  • Fistulotomy: A fistulotomy is a common surgical procedure used to treat an anal fistula. This procedure involves cutting open the fistula tract to create a clear channel for drainage. It aims to remove infected tissue, promote healing, and prevent recurrent infections. Fistulotomy is typically performed under anesthesia.
  • Seton Placement: In some cases, especially if the fistula is complex or has multiple branches, a seton may be placed. A seton is a piece of thread-like material (often made of silk or synthetic material) that is passed through the fistula tract. It helps to keep the tract open, allowing for drainage and gradual healing. Setons are usually left in place for a period of time before further surgical intervention.
  • Fistula Plug:In certain situations, a fistula plug made of biocompatible material may be used to close the fistula tract. The plug is inserted into the fistula to promote healing. This procedure is known as a fistuloplasty.
  • Advancement Flap Repair:For more complex or high fistulas, an advancement flap repair may be performed. In this procedure, nearby healthy tissue is used to create a flap that covers and closes the fistula tract.

Recovery and Postoperative Care:

  • After fissure or fistula surgery, patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and temporary changes in bowel habits. It’s essential to follow the surgeon’s postoperative care instructions, which may include dietary recommendations, sitz baths, and the use of stool softeners to minimize strain during bowel movements.
  • Most patients can resume regular activities within a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type and complexity of the surgery.
  • Complications, though rare, can include infection, bleeding, or changes in bowel function. It’s important to report any unusual symptoms to the surgeon promptly.

Benefits of Surgery

Surgical intervention for fissures and fistulas can offer several benefits, including relief from pain, faster healing, and prevention of recurrent infections.

Precision and Expertise

Fissure and fistula surgery demand precision and expertise. Surgeons use advanced techniques to minimize complications and optimize outcomes while preserving anal function.

Choosing a Surgeon

Selecting the right surgeon for fissure or fistula surgery is crucial. Seek a board-certified specialist experienced in these procedures, who prioritizes patient comfort and well-being.

In conclusion, fissure and fistula surgery are essential options for individuals suffering from these painful conditions. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms or has been diagnosed with a fissure or fistula, consult with our experienced surgical team. We are committed to providing compassionate care and tailored solutions to relieve discomfort and improve your overall quality of life. Don’t let these conditions hinder your well-being when effective treatments are available.