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Arthroscopy, pronounced as ahr-THROS-kuh-pee, is like a special doctor’s procedure to check and fix issues in your joints. The doctor uses a tiny tube with a tiny camera on one end, and it’s as small as a buttonhole. This camera sends pictures of the inside of your joint to a big, high-quality TV screen. 

This way, the doctor can look inside your joint without making a big cut. They can even fix some joint problems using super thin tools that go through small cuts.

Why it’s done ?

Arthroscopy is a cutting-edge medical procedure that allows us to visualize, diagnose, and treat joint conditions using a tiny camera called an arthroscope. It is particularly beneficial for conditions affecting the knee, shoulder, hip, and other joints. Doctors use arthroscopy to check and fix different joint problems, especially in these body parts:

Knee, Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle, Hip and Wrist

Diagnostic procedures

Doctors frequently opt for arthroscopy when X-rays and other types of imaging haven’t fully answered the diagnostic questions. Arthroscopy provides unparalleled diagnostic accuracy. The arthroscope’s high-definition camera allows us to visualize the joint’s interior in real-time, enabling precise identification of the problem.

Minimally Invasive Treatment

Beyond diagnosis, arthroscopy permits us to perform a wide range of minimally invasive treatments. Procedures like ligament repair, meniscus resection, and cartilage restoration can often be accomplished during the same session.

Surgical procedures

Conditions treated with arthroscopy include:
  • Loose bone fragments
  • Damaged or torn cartilage
  • Inflamed joint linings
  • Torn ligaments
  • Scarring within joints

Faster Recovery

Patients undergoing arthroscopy typically experience quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgery. Reduced pain and a smaller incision mean less trauma to surrounding tissues.

Choosing the Right Specialist

When considering arthroscopy, it’s essential to select a skilled orthopedic surgeon experienced in this technique. Look for a specialist who prioritizes your comfort, well-being, and long-term joint health.

In conclusion, arthroscopy is a game-changer in the field of orthopedics, offering precise diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment options for a wide range of joint conditions. If you’re experiencing joint pain or dysfunction, don’t hesitate to contact our clinic for expert guidance and personalized care. Arthroscopy may be the key to restoring your joint health and improving your quality of life.